

As the world top 10 engineering and technology University, TU Delft is keen to deliver the world-leading cybersecurity and AI R&D. The CRYPTAI lab (applied cryptography & AI) was found in 2021, and its vision is to pave the way to applied cryptography, information security and machine learning tools to achieve real-world intelligent security and privacy. The lab, led by Dr. Liang, focuses on the R&D on: (1) data protection mechanisms, in particular practical data protection and sharing for encrypted outsourced data solutions, searchable encryption, updatable encryption, lattice-based encryption/signature (post-quantum cryptography); (2) privacy-preserving machine/federated learning: attacks and countermeasures; and (3) application-driven blockchain (e.g., smart contract, oracles) development.

CRYPTAI’s projects

Horizon Europe TENSOR: provide Police Authorities a platform that facilitates the biometric evidence extraction, sharing, and storage in cross border environments, allowing them to share best practices in an automated, robust, secure, privacy-preserving and scalable manner. The full potential of biometrics technologies will be exploited, as well as their fusion with less distinctive features in case of partial evidence gathered.